Voice of Your Brand: How to Make It Sing?

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Brand voice is how a company communicates with potential customers, buyers, or readers. Essentially, the voice answers the question:

“How exactly will our brand converse with its audience?”

In what manner will it engage? Friendly? Scientific? Serious? Demanding?

Your company’s voice helps articulate thoughts, share news, achievements, and successes, while most importantly, it establishes a direct connection with people. This is the necessary system of collaboration or sales that you need.

 Every company has a voice…

However, not every leader pays attention to it, nor can they always find it or hear it within their staff or those who helped them build the business. Not everyone knows how to refine this voice, making it confident, unique, and distinct from competitors.

The “internal message” of this voice is also crucial. What will people read between the lines when they hear it? What impression will they form about the company when it “speaks” to them?

 How to find and define your company’s voice?

There are three questions to ask yourself if you are the founder of a company, or to ask the “founding fathers” if you are an employee.

Question One: What is the main goal of the brand, and what are its principles?
  •  “Our company was created to… what?”
  • “We aim to change reality and help our clients… in what way?”
  • “Our ultimate goal is… to achieve what?”
  • “What do we believe in?”

Identify and articulate the key components of your brand.

Question Two: What would the brand be like if it were a person?

Imagine the face of your company. What kind of person would it be? What is their character, appearance, smile, and behavior? How would they interact with others? What hobbies would they have? What would their life look like?

From these details, shape a rough figure and face for your firm that the audience can “see.”

Question Three: Who would your brand communicate with?

Identify the people who would be interested in and benefit from engaging with your “face.” Who would your brand naturally connect with? Who would find it helpful, and who could become a friend and engage regularly?

Who are these people? What are they like? How do they live? What is most important to them?

By answering these questions, you can understand and define your firm’s voice for effective communication with clients.

 Why is this important?

Voice enables cohesive communication with the audience.

Imagine your company started with three people yesterday and has now expanded to thousands of employees in just five years.
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The more opportunities a firm has, the more “visuals” it has—people who convey the principles, news, data, developments, and ideas of the company to the masses.

All these individuals must speak with a unified voice accepted within the firm. This voice will make the company’s operations appear neat, organized, and cohesive to clients.

Voice creates expectations for the brand.

For instance, if you are a youth-centric company promoting “breaking stereotypes,” “fresh ideas,” and “positive obsession,” no one would expect everyone in your office to work strictly with ties and under formal hours. This means you will attract people who share your values and ideas.

Voice makes you unique.

You stand out in the crowded marketplace because you communicate with YOUR voice to YOUR client. Notice that every well-known brand has a unique, signature tone in its communication with customers.

Apple has one voice. Burger King has another. Adidas has its own distinct tone. This tonal quality differentiates you and helps you remain memorable.

Voice helps you connect.

Yes, it’s as simple as that. If you and your brand resonate with someone, they will undoubtedly return for your services and recommend you to others.

By focusing on defining your brand voice, you can build a stronger connection with your audience and create lasting impressions.

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